About Deaf & Hard of Hearing Tennis

Tennis Australia, in conjunction with Member Associations, is committed to embracing diversity by ensuring our sport and events welcoming, safe and inclusive for everyone. We believe that being inclusive is reflecting the diversity of our local communities and that everyone should have the opportunity to be included and engaged through tennis in a way that is positive and meaningful.

Inclusion is about providing choice for people to participate in sport in a way that they feel comfortable. As well as, mainstream tennis opportunities, there are a variety of deaf and hard of hearing initiatives that people can choose to participate in.

As well as mainstream tournaments tennis also provides a range of elite competitive pathway opportunities:

  • National Camps
  • Deaflympic Games
  • World Deaf Tennis Championships
  • Asia Pacific Games for the Deaf

If you want to understand more about the range of opportunities, activities and programs available please, fill out our Expression of Interest form.

Our Commitment

Tennis Australia is committed to increasing opportunities and accessibility to tennis for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people through:

  • Engagement with stakeholders and community
  • Educating clubs and coaches
  • Providing pathway opportunities
  • Creating equal playing opportunities through community events and tournaments


We are proud to work alongside our partners to grow the game for our deaf and hard of hearing participants across Australia and around the world. Our partners have guided us on updating policies and procedures, ensuring inclusion of people who are deaf or hard of hearing to participate in tennis at all levels, whether that be as a player, official, spectator, volunteer or staff.

Deaf Sports Australia

Deaf Sports Australia (DSA) is a peak body organisation that assists Australians who are deaf and hard of hearing to participate in sport at all levels and compete at sanctioned national and international events including Australian Deaf Games, Asia Pacific Deaf Games, and the Deaflympic Games.

Visit www.deafsports.org.au

Am I Eligible?

Below is an outline of the Eligibility Criteria to participate in our programs and events:

Code Hearing level loss Eligibility Events
AU0 0-39 dB 3FAHL Not eligible to compete in DSA- or ICSD- approved events
  • Mainstream tennis tournaments and competitions
AU1 40-54 dB 3FAHL Eligible to compete in TA State (Signature) events and DSA- approved events
  • Mainstream tennis tournaments and competitions
  • DHoHs State Opens
  • Australian Deaf Games
  • Australian Deaf Tennis Championships
AU2 55 dB or more 3FAHL Eligible to compete in AU1 events, TA National events and ICSD sanctioned events
  • Mainstream tennis tournaments and competitions
  • Australian Tennis Championships (ATC)
  • Australian Deaf Games
  • Word Deaf Tennis Championships
  • Asia-Pacific Games for the Deaf
  • Deaflympic Games

For those who are keen to elevate their skills into national and international competitions, there are also additional pathways that lead into the Australian Deaf Games, World Deaf Tennis Championships and Deaflympic Games. In order to represent Australia at sanctioned deaf sports events, all participants will be required to meet the eligibility criteria as outlined below.

Please follow this link for the classification procedures to be classified in tennis.

Please follow this link for Tennis Australia’s AUSLAN Interpreting Guidelines.


International Playing Opportunities

ICSD World Deaf Tennis Championships

These are sanctioned events ran annually (except for the Deaflympics year) by the ICSD with international ranking points up for grabs.


 ICSD Deaflympic Games

Every 4 years thousands of athletes come together to represent their country and compete in a variety of sports.

More information visit: http://www.deaflympics.com


Australian Representative Selection Guidelines

To be selected to represent Australia at either of the international events above, athletes must meet the requirements in the selection guidelines.

The Australian Selection Guidelines for 2024 will be released soon.


Follow this link for information on Tennis Australia’s Deaf & Hard of Hearing Talent Pathway.


Success Story

A partnership between Tennis Victoria and Guthrie Street Primary School led to the creation of a regular tennis clinic for deaf and hard of hearing students: