
Information for Clubs & Coaches

Tennis NSW is committed to embracing diversity by ensuring our sport and events are welcoming, safe and inclusive for everyone. We believe that being inclusive is reflecting the diversity of our local communities and that everyone should have the opportunity to be included and engaged through tennis in a way that is positive and meaningful.

Inclusion is about providing choice for people to participate in sport in a way that they feel comfortable. As well as mainstream tennis opportunities, there are a variety of initiatives that people with an intellectual disability or autism can choose to participate in.


Tennis Australia

Tennis NSW member clubs and Tennis Australia Coach members have access to a range of resources for People with an Intellectual Disability or Autism including:

  • Tennis Coaching Considerations
  • Top 5 tips (7 videos)
  • Tournament Guide 
  • Promotional Posters

Click here to log in to the Bounce platform.

Click here for more information on the Tennis Australia PWII Talent Pathway.

Special Olympics Australia

Special Olympics Australia provides participants with an intellectual disability or autism opportunities to play sport, and to open doors to personal achievement, pride and inclusion.

The Special Olympics Australia website has a number of resources and free online courses to assist clubs and coaches working with people with an Intellectual Disability or Autism.

Click here to find out more about coaching resources.

Click here to access the free online courses and education resources.

Sporting Schools

Special Olympics Australia has partnered with Tennis Australia to deliver inclusive Sport Partner programs through Sporting Schools, creating meaningful experiences that promote lifelong participation in sport and physical activity.

Click here to find out more about the program.


Do you have experience coaching Players with an Intellectual Disability or Autism, or a player looking to get involved in programs and events?

Steve Manley 
Email: [email protected]