
Information for Clubs & Coaches

Tennis NSW is committed to embracing diversity by ensuring our sport and events are welcoming, safe and inclusive for everyone. We believe that being inclusive is reflecting the diversity of our local communities and that everyone should have the opportunity to be included and engaged through tennis in a way that is positive and meaningful.

Inclusion is about providing choice for people to participate in sport in a way that they feel comfortable. As well as mainstream tennis opportunities, there are a variety of deaf and hard of hearing initiatives that people can choose to participate in.

Available Resources & Education

Tennis Australia

Tennis NSW member clubs and Tennis Australia Coach members have access to a range of resources including Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Auslan tennis sign language videos.

Click here to log in to the Bounce platform.

Tennis Australia has information that may be useful for Coaches and Clubs delivering tennis to Deaf and Hard of Hearing participants.

Click here to find out more.

Deaf Tennis Australia Communication Guide

Deaf Tennis Australia has produced a communication resource for clubs and coaches to provide insight to help provide some insight into communicating with the diverse spectrum of deaf people.

Click here to find out more information.

Active Deaf Sports Club Training

The Active Deaf Sports Club (ADSC) is run by Deaf Sports Australia to provide mainstream sports organisations the opportunity to integrate inclusion practises for their deaf and hard of hearing sports participants. Deaf Sports Australia has partnered with Expression Australia who will also offer their services through this program.

The ADSC program gives coaches, sports administrators and parents the opportunity to learn best communication practises when working with deaf and hard of hearing people in sports settings.

Click here to find out more information.

Deaf Talent Pathway document

If you are currently coaching a player who is Deaf of Hard of Hearing and would like to find out more about Talent Identification please contact Steve Manley [email protected]

Click here to find out more information.


Do you have experience coaching Deaf or Hard of Hearing Players or a player looking to get involved in programs and events?

Steve Manley 
Email: [email protected]