At the 2023 AGM four Elected Director positions on the Tennis NSW Board will become vacant. Pursuant to the Tennis NSW Constitution, and in order to assist the Board and the Tennis NSW Membership with filling these vacancies, Tennis NSW is convening a Nominations Committee who will be tasked with reviewing director nominations and recommending directorial candidates to the Board.
In line with the Constitution, the Nominations Committee will be made up of an Independent Chair, a Director representative, and a Member representative. Tennis NSW is now calling for expressions of interest from the Tennis NSW Membership in respect of the Member representative. Please note that in order to be eligible to act in this capacity the Member representative must be a Member of Tennis NSW or a Member of a Member.
Expressions of interest for the Member Representative on the Nominations Committee are now open and will close on 17 July 2023. Tennis NSW Members who are interested in acting in this capacity on the Committee are encouraged to complete the EOI form via the link below. In completing this form, applicants will be asked to provide short reasons as to why they would like to be selected to act on the Nominations Committee, and further, the qualities or attributes they will bring to the Committee.
Please note that applicants may be asked to attend an interview at the discretion of Tennis NSW, and if successful, will be subject to the Nominations Committee Terms of Reference.
If you have any questions or if you would like further information please reach out to Matt Allen via [email protected].
CLICK HERE to complete the EOI form.