
18 April 2023 | Tennis SA

The Volunteer Achievement Award category honours volunteers within tennis who foster relationships within and between their club and the community, and recognises the contribution they make to the sport, specifically in the area of delivering more active players.

The 2023 finalists for the Volunteer Achievement Award are:


Kimberly Absalom (Golden Grove Tennis Club): Absalom has been on the Golden Grove Tennis Club committee for 19 years and is a Life Member of the club. She is passionate about the sport and holds a number of leadership positions on the committee. Absalom plays a key role in creating a welcoming and supportive club environment, particularly through her tireless efforts leading the social committee.

Liz Hearn (Marion Tennis Club): After moving to the area in 2020, Hearn joined Marion Tennis Club, first as a player before joining the committee as Secretary. Since then, she has played a major role in helping the club embrace technology, as well as the formation of the club’s first ladies team in over a decade. Hearn is an active and enthusiastic volunteer, who has helped to create a family friendly and inclusive club environment.

Priscilla Vokolos and Caitlin Davis (Prospect Tennis Club): Since taking on the roles of President and Secretary at a young age, Vokolos and Davis have worked together to create a positive club culture, in turn improving participation and retention of players. Their enthusiasm and commitment to excellence sets an example for young girls looking to take on leadership roles.


Anne Franks (Napperby Tennis and Community Club): Franks began playing for Napperby Tennis and Community Club in 1963 and has been a member of the committee since 1973. Franks has taken on a variety of roles during this time, most recently working tirelessly on a strategic plan to guide the culture and development of the club into the future.

Heidi Heemskerk (Mount Gambier Tennis Club): A Life Member at Mount Gambier Tennis Club, Heemskerk is passionate about tennis at the grassroots level and has worked tirelessly to build a solid membership base starting with juniors. Heemskerk has worked to upskill others to facilitate growth and retention, as well as ensure the long term sustainability of the club.

Martin Stone (Strathalbyn Tennis Club): Stone has overseen significant growth in participation at the club in recent years. He was also the driving force behind the club hosting a junior tournament in 2022, leading a team of dedicated club volunteers to great success. Stone has a focus on ensuring the club provides a family friendly and supportive atmosphere.

The award winner will be announced at the Tennis SA Gala Dinner to be held at The Drive on Saturday 29 April.

> READ: Finalists announced ahead of Tennis SA Gala Dinner