
11 February 2015 | Tennis West


Saturday 7th February saw Tennis West, supported by Wheelchair Sports WA, host the Wheelchair Tennis ‘Come and Try Day’, with former World Number 1 and recent Australian Tennis Hall of Fame Inductee, David Hall.

Great numbers turned out to participate in the first wheelchair ‘Come and Try Day’ for the year, with close to 30 participants all getting involved in the fun. Hall was on hand assisting on court and providing great insights into his experiences in wheelchair tennis. When asked about the event, Hall commented, “it was an important opportunity for players to come together and either reignite their enjoyment of the game or connect with each other and plan for the future to continue playing”.

All participants were moved through a variety of engaging activities and were treated to a free barbeque to conclude the day. “It was a great chance for local players to enjoy the day, hitting some balls, doing some fun drills and eating hotdogs afterwards, can’t get much better than that” said Hall.