
Coach Membership
Designed to help you grow your business and improve your coaching skills, we have a membership type to suit every coach.
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Coach Education
Tennis Australia delivers coaching courses and qualifications across Australia that are among the best in the world.
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The Australian Grand Slam Coaches Conference is now a fixture on industry professional’s calendars around the world.
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Bounce is an online platform that will bring about a fun and interactive learning environment to further develop the learning journey as a coach.
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If you are looking for current vacancies, or would like to list a vacancy, click the link below.
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Women's Scholarships
Tennis Australia is committed to increasing the number and quality of female tennis coaches in Australia. To achieve this aim, Tennis Australia is providing an opportunity for female coaches to access funding to support their completion of a Tennis Australia qualification. Scholarship recipients will also be provided with mentoring during the completion of their studies.
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