
Tennis Australia would like to inform all players, parents and coaches that the tournament structure of the Junior Tournaments has been updated for 2021.

> Enter Junior Tour tournaments

Main draw positional play-offs (3rd to 8th)

All Junior Tournaments will feature an additional match for the losing semi-finalists in the main draw, which is a playoff match to determine 3rd place.  The points table reflects the additional points that can be earned by winning this playoff match.

All Junior Tournament Platinum and Gold tournaments feature play-off matches for the losing quarter-finalists in the main draw to determine positions 5 to 8 in the 12/u, 14/u and 16/u age groups only. The points table reflects the additional points that can be earned by winning these playoff matches. The 18/u age group will only feature the playoff for 3rd and 4th.


Mandatory online entry and My Tennis membership numbers

To assist all staff and volunteers to effectively manage their tournaments, it is now mandatory for all players to enter all Australian Ranking events via the online entry system (no exceptions).

The online system only allows players who have a valid My Tennis membership number to enter tournaments. These are 11-digit numbers that start with 61. If you do not have your number, please contact your club or member association. If you are not a member of a club, register for a My Tennis number now by contacting the Tennis Australia Customer Support Team on [email protected] or calling 1800 PLAYTENNIS.

Entry closing dates

All Junior Tournaments will close their entries either 10 or 14 days prior to the start of the qualifying event and will not extend their entry closing dates. Players, parents and coaches will need to be switched on to avoid disappointment. Refer to the tournament page for the specific entry deadline for that tournament.

Consolation Events

All Gold JT tournaments will be implementing an optional sign-in consolation for 12/u, 14/u and 16/u age groups. As in previous years, consolation events for the 18/u age group is still non-compulsory and is offered as a sign-in.

For JT Silver and Bronze tournaments, organisers must clearly advertise during the entry process and on the tournament factsheet if they are implementing an optional sign-in consolation, otherwise the consolation will be a compulsory event with players from the first two rounds feeding into the consolation draw.

Consolation sign-in is to close five (5) minutes after the conclusion of the last relevant round match.

Acceptance lists

Once the tournament entries have closed, each tournament will compile an acceptance list, showing the list of players that have been accepted directly into the main draw and the list of players that are required to compete in the qualifying event. There will be a withdrawal deadline (7 days prior to the start), so players will need to keep an eye on the acceptance list as it will be constantly update.

Questions, regulations and feedback

The 2021 Australian Tournament Regulations are now available for you to view,

> View the Australian Tournament regulations and code of behaviour

Any questions or feedback can be sent via email:

> Email [email protected]