
26 August 2021 | Tennis Queensland

The information we collect in customer feedback surveys from our key tennis stakeholder groups shapes the future of our sport.

That is why in the last 18 months, the Tennis Queensland community will have noticed significant changes and improvements based on your response to the Voice of Customer survey series.

The surveys were released in 3 waves. Click below to see a summary of your score and results from each of the surveys, that show satisfaction is improving but we still have work to do.

For the third and most recent survey, we removed coaches from the feedback group to narrow down on what is needed and what is most valued at a club administration level.

WAVE 1 Results

WAVE 2 Results

WAVE 3 Results 

Based on the results of the last three waves of this survey, you told us that you needed most:

  • help with local marketing, which is now the fourth most used service compared to 27th in the second wave
  • simplified IT systems and software
  • access to funding to host successful and sustainable tournaments

So in the last 12 months Tennis Queensland has implemented these changes to support local tennis communities:

  • We have hired two specialist Trade Marketers to help clubs improve their local area digital marketing and create printable resources
  • The Bounce club resource platform has been re-skinned and simplified to make it easier to use and find resources
  • A tournament improvement program has been enhanced with new access to funding through subsidies

Thank you for telling us what you need. Please fill out the next wave of the Voice of Customer feedback survey (coming later this month) so that we can continue to improve tennis in Queensland together.