
Central Queensland Open Days 2024

Find a club near you!

Bundaberg & District Junior Tennis Association
Join us for our Open Day on 21 January 2024, 3pm - 6pm. We will be offering free social Tennis and Match-play along with POP Tennis and Sign ons!
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Callide Valley Tennis Association
Join us for our Open Day 27 January 2024, 4pm - 8pm. We will have an Australian Open finals screening, a community BBQ, social Tennis, Pickleball and Table Tennis activities on offer!
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Gladstone Tennis & Squash Association
Join us for our Open Day 3 February 2024, from 3pm. We will have a community BBQ, coaching sessions, social Tennis, Squash & Pickleball on offer!
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Longreach Tennis Club
Join us for our Open Day 28 January 2024, 5pm - 7pm and 30 January 2024, 6:30pm -9pm. We will have a community BBQ, coaching sessions, match-play along with social Tennis!
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Rockhampton Junior Tennis Association
Join us for our Open Day 26 January 2024, 8:30am to 10:000am. We will have match-play and social tennis or come & try along with morning tea!
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Rossendale Tennis Club
Join us for our Open Day 28 January 2024, 2pm - 5pm. We will have a community BBQ, social Tennis, a ball machine along with more off court activities!
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Springsure Tennis Club
Join us for our Open Day 27 January 2024, from 10am. We will have an Australian Open Finals screening along with a community BBQ and social Tennis!
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Tennis Bundaberg
Join us for our Open Day on 27 January 2024, 4pm - 6pm. We will have an Australian Open finals screening, a community BBQ, coaching sessions along with social Tennis!
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Tennis Rockhampton
Join us for our Open Day 28 January 2024, 9am-11am. We will have an Australian Open finals screening, a community BBQ, free Gelatissimo gelato along with coaching sessions, social Tennis, ball machine activities and Pickleball.
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