What We Do

Rally As One
Untitled design (11)Through the  Rally As One program, the ATF has supported communities devastated by 2019-20 bushfire events.
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Kids Tennis
Kids Tennis smallerFree before or after school tennis programs for disadvantaged kids.
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Opportunity Knocks
Opportunity Knocks smallCoaching subsidies to help kids facing financial hardship pay coaching, competition and club membership fees.
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First Nations Programs
Indigenous programs smallCulturally sensitive programs bringing tennis to First Nations kids.
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Brighter Days
Little Dreamers Australian Tennis Foundation Fun Day at the National Tennis Centre. Monday September 19 2022 MANDATORY PHOTO CREDIT Fiona Hamilton/TENNIS AUSTRALIAThe Brighter Days initiative aims to provide relief from challenging life circumstances for young people and their families through fun, engaging tennis and social activities at flagship tennis facilities across the country. 
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Ashley Cooper Scholarship
Ashely-Cooper-Scholarship_WebBanner_1400x580The Ashley Cooper Scholarship identifies and supports tennis players aged 12 to 24 across Australia who need support to help deliver on their elite potential.
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