Tennis Australia has launched a national stringing accreditation to encourage more people to learn the art of stringing.
The National Stringing Accreditation consists of three comprehensive levels of certification, which guide individuals from novice to expert.
A level one course, Stringing Foundations, is now accepting enrolments. Anyone who signs up before 24 June also receives a 25 per cent discount.
Participants will learn cutting-edge stringing methodologies taught by the experts at Tennis Australia’s innovative Tennis Lab.
Accredited stringers will unlock unique opportunities to string at prestigious events throughout the Australian Summer of Tennis, including at Australian Pro Tour, Australian Open and AO series events.
“Tennis stringers play an essential role across all levels of play,” Tennis Lab Engineer Dr Lyndon Krause said.
“They are responsible for guiding and advising players on the best string and tension for their game, thereby enhancing feel, performance and minimising injury risk on the court.
“The National Stringing Accreditation presents a unique opportunity for individuals involved in the sport including coaches, players and parents to expand their skills and explore a new or additional career path.
“Tennis Australia is the first peak body to proactively develop a pathway for stringers, as we recognise the crucial role they play in our sport and in our ability to host world-class professional events in Australia.”
All three levels of certification will be available to complete online, with in-person assessments at the completion of levels two and three. For those who prefer to learn hands-on, there will be in-person workshops for level one run in Melbourne mid-year.
The National Stringing Accreditation is open to all ages and does not require any prior knowledge or experience. Enrolments for levels two and three will become available later this year.
> LEARN MORE: Tennis Australia’s National Stringing Accreditation