
21 August 2014 | Tennis Queensland

Coaching Workshop- Ocotber 15- Picture for Web Story

Workshop Date:  15 October, 2014

In conjunction with Tennis Australia and Tennis Queensland, Kane Dewhurst, owner and operator of VIDA Tennis will share insights into effectively managing your clients, staff and club members using the latest technology solutions.  This is a great professional development opportunity for coaches around the region to travel down the Bruce Highway to the Queensland Tennis Centre in Brisbane to get up to speed with everyday changes in the business.  For full event details and how to register, please  click here. 

Key topics:

*The do’s and dont’s of effective marketing
*Why customer retention is so important – and so easy to do
*How automating systems can free up your time to focus on key priorities
*Which social media channels are right for you
*When is the right time to adopt new technology based on your business