8 August 2014 | Tennis Queensland
Gold Coast Coaches Forum
On 7th of August the Gold Coast Region played host to its very first Gold Coast coach’s forum! This year we have seen incredible growth in tennis membership and a positive response across the state to the reform of Tennis Queensland affiliation. We have welcomed record numbers into Queensland’s sanctioned tournaments with more local and international players registering to play. Plus, many young Queenslanders have enjoyed promising results and career bests, and have represented our state as a leader for both playing and coaching talent.
This workshop was designed to further up skill our fantastic Tennis Australia coaches. We had some fantastic key speakers who discussed various aspects of the game. This workshop was a great opportunity from some of Australia’s best local tennis and coaching experts, explore new concepts and directions, network with fellow coaches and take practical examples back to your coaches and your business.
The day start with an opening from the Gold Coast Regional Assembly President, Mike Evans
The day then followed with presentation from guest speakers:
- Ash Nauman – Tennis Australia – Coach & Talent Development Manager QLD.
- Chris Mahony – Tennis Australia – AIS & Academy Coach
- Travis Atkinson – Tennis Queensland – Head of Tennis
- Mike Ford – Tennis Gold Coast
- Elia Hill – Tennis Queensland – Community Tennis Manager
- Scott Draper – Tennis Australia – Manager Development Tennis & Head Coach, AIS & Academies
It was fantastic to hear from all the guest speakers. Scott Draper was a highlight of the day as he spoke about his personal career and also spoke about his involvement in the AIS program and where he sees it heading.
Thank you to the Gold Coast Regional Assembly for the funding towards this forum.