
28 October 2013 | Tennis Queensland

In September, two referee courses were held in Queensland. One held in Brisbane for officials wishing to achieve Level B referee. The second course held in Townsville, for people wishing to achieve Local Referee accreditation.

Both courses were well attend which was excellent for all in involved and certainly helps with the aim to have accredited officials throughout the state. The course participants are now in the process of returning their learner guides for assessment. We wish them well with their future officiating endeavours.

Many officials from TOAQ (Tennis Officials Australia, Qld) took part at the recent Pro Tours held in Toowoomba and Cairns. We also saw some local people engaged, starting their officiating pathway.

Coming Up

Members from TOAQ will be officiating during the upcoming ATL. The ATL with such outstanding players serves as excellent preparation for the officials,  before they head into the Brisbane International and Australian Open.