
11 June 2013 | Tennis Queensland

Later this month the Rod Laver Junior Championship series presented by Tennis and Gear will be held across Brisbane. Local and international teams are set to compete in these prestigious Australian Ranking Tournaments, with the Lead In event set for 28 June – 1 July and the Rod Laver Junior Championships to be played from 2nd – 6th July 2013.

Included in the draw are a team of 15 players from Hong Kong, lead by Performance Coach Justin Trench. The team includes some of the country’s best young up-and-comers who already this year have had wins in the Hong Kong Junior Nationals, and selection to represent their country in the Longines Future Tennis Aces competition run in conjunction with Roland Garros.

Trench sees the Rod Laver events as an opportunity to expose these exciting junior players to different competitions and cultural environments;

“Our competition environment in Hong Kong is quite small and typically the same players meet each other.

“It’s important for the young players to see what the standard is like in other countries so they can continue to measure themselves and see where to improve.

“On top of that, we hope the players will have a great cultural experience and will stay in homestays in order to fully immerse themselves into a different culture.”

As well as improving their skills through playing against some of the best juniors in the Asia-Pacific, Trench says these 11 – 13 year olds will also enjoy some of Queensland’s other attractions during their 3 week stay.

“We are hosted by Lifetime under the direction of Graeme Brimblecombe. So we will train with the lifetime players and coaches as well as take the players sightseeing around Brisbane, a trip to Dreamworld, Australia Zoo etc.”

Tennis Queensland would like to thank Lifetime for hosting the Hong Kong team during their visit to Brisbane. If you too can help by providing accommodation and transport for international players, please contact us for more information on Homestays.