Janet Young
- Age73
- Born22 October 1951
- Birth PlaceMelbourne, Victoria
- LivesMelbourne, Victoria
- Playing StatusRetired
“I think was team spirit in many ways that pulled us through … We’re lifelong friends now and that’s been very special.”
— Janet Young, 25 Nov 2014
» 1974 Fed Cup team honoured
Janet Young was a member of Australia’s winning 1973 and 1974 Federation Cup teams. She reached the last 16 in singles at Wimbledon in 1973 and was a doubles semifinalist the same year, partnering Evonne Googalong Cawley.
Winner of the Queensland and South Australian championships in 1973, Young has a doctorate in sports psychology and worked for several years as Tennis Australia’s women’s player development manager until 2005.
She was also tournament director of the Canberra International. In 2008 Young became one of eight directors on Tennis Australia’s board.
Janet Young in the news
Fed Cup: 45 years in the making

1 October, 2019
More than four decades since Australia last claimed a Fed Cup title, passion and team spirit are driving the quest for victory over France in the 2019 final.
Read moreMore than four decades since Australia last claimed a Fed Cup title, passion and team spirit are driving the quest for victory over France in the 2019 final.
1974 Fed Cup team honoured

25 November, 2014
Australia’s champion Fed Cup team of 1974 was honoured on Monday night at the Newcombe Medal Australian Tennis Awards on the 40th anniversary of their historic triumph.
Read moreAustralia’s champion Fed Cup team of 1974 was honoured on Monday night at the Newcombe Medal Australian Tennis Awards on the 40th anniversary of their historic triumph.
Healy re-elected Tennis Australia President
22 April, 2013
Tennis Australia President Steve Healy has been re-elected unopposed for a second term until 2016.
Read moreTennis Australia President Steve Healy has been re-elected unopposed for a second term until 2016.