Coaching Excellence – Club

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for consideration, the nominee must:

  • be delivering quality coaching programs and providing pathways which cater for the needs of players within their community;
  • have a strong relationship with the club/facility committee/management;
  • be actively involved in his/her club/facility in growing the game of tennis;
  • actively seek positive relationships with local schools and the general community; and
  • provide opportunities for players to move from coaching programs to competitions and tournaments.

Part-time and full-time coaches may apply.

Nominees may self-nominate or be nominated by another person (note: if you self-nominate you will require a seconder to support your nomination).

Only Tennis Australia qualified coach members will be considered.


Selection criteria

The selection panel will consider the following in assessing nominations:

No. Description
1 Coaching program provided (including ANZ Tennis Hot Shots, Cardio Tennis, Talent Development)
2 Roles and responsibilities at Club/Centre
3 Contribution to Club/Community
4 Total number of coaching participants in award period
5 Percentage of coaching participants playing competition/tournaments (e.g., intra or inter-club or tournaments)
6 Number of Tennis in School sessions provided by the coach (or coaching business) and participants logged in My Tennis
7 System in place to transition players from schools to club program
8 Qualifications of coaching staff
9 Professional development opportunities accessed by coach and coaching staff
10 Coaching business website
11 Customer service policies and procedures
12 Sample marketing material
13 Sample communication material to customers
14 Video of a variety of coaching skill development sessions (total length of 30 minutes)
15 Video of club/centre (5 minutes)


Selection process

The selection panel will consist of:

  • Tennis Australia Manager Coach and Talent Development or delegated representative
  • Tennis Australia Community Tennis representative
  • National Coaching Advisory Group representative
  • Member Association representative

Only information provided by the nominee with their nomination form will be considered by the selection panel.  Nominees should attach any relevant additional information with their nomination form.  As part of the selection process, the three finalists may receive a site visit to observe their coaching program in action at their club/centre.

All decisions in relation to the Coaching Excellence – Club award (including any questions in relation to eligibility) will be determined by the selection panel in its absolute discretion. All decisions are final, and no correspondence will be entered into.

Any matters which arise and which are not covered in this document will be determined by the selection panel in consultation with Tennis Australia Management.



  • Nominations open – June 2013
  • Nominations close – 7 October 2013
    • The award period is from 1 December 2012 to 7 October 2013
    • The Awards Night will be held in Melbourne on 2 December 2013


Requirements of award recipients

The successful recipients will be required to fulfill the following items upon reasonable request:

  • participate in marketing and promotional activities in the 12 months following the award;
  • prepare an article for the Australian Tennis Magazine.  Tennis Australia will provide editorial assistance; and
  • if required, participate in a best practice discussion during the 2014 Australian Grand Slam® Coaches’ Conference.