
7 March 2014 | Tennis Victoria

Tennis Victoria is embracing a new affiliation model, to commence 1 July 2014.  From this date, clubs will only pay one simple, annual fee, instead of the previous per member charge, and the vast majority of clubs will be better off financially under this model.  Most materially so.  Instead of being charged a club affiliation fee and an additional $30 fee per member, TV will now base a club’s affiliation on the number of tennis courts at the club.

Over the course of many years Tennis Victoria heard about challenges from tennis clubs regarding the affiliation and membership model, listened and worked very hard to come up with a new approach; one where the club’s affiliation is now one set/known annual fee.  This change means that clubs can offer more flexible membership options and innovative promotions to grow the game of tennis. This is a partnership initiative of Tennis Australia and Tennis Victoria to help clubs to get more people playing more tennis more often!  Tennis Australia is supporting this initiative with a significant investment that recognises the importance of Victorian tennis.

This new model will not only greatly assist current affiliates to thrive, but also better motivate and engage those tennis clubs who are not currently affiliated to join the ranks so that Tennis Victoria can truly represent and support all of tennis in Victoria.

All current Tennis Victoria club benefits will remain with this new model, and we are also working to enhance our offering and services.

The Frequently Asked Questions document is available here for further information and any questions that may arise. If Tennis Victoria can clarify anything for you, please don’t hesitate to contact your Community Tennis Officer or Tennis Victoria Reception on 8420 8420 –  as Tennis Victoria is here to help during this exciting change for the great sport.