
4 April 2018 | Tennis Victoria

Name: Peter Bertoncini

Title: Participation Leader – Country North West

What is your role at Tennis Victoria: Supporting clubs to help grow the sport of tennis in country Victoria!! I operate from the Macedon Ranges to Mildura!

Best thing about the role: Getting out and meeting some great people who are passionate about tennis and seeing the community spirit that is the core of country tennis!

What was your previous role: Football Operations Manager at the University Blacks Football Club

What are your interests outside of Tennis Victoria: Playing tennis! Going to gigs and hanging out with mates.

Favourite tennis player/sporting athlete and why: Younes El Aynaoui, underrated for his ability on the court and was genuinely one of the nicest people involved in professional tennis!

What is one interesting fact that no one else knows about you: Instead of using an overgrip, I use sports tape on my racquet handles to dry up the sweat that my hand produces

If you were Prime Minister of Australia for one day, what would your first change be: Knight Robert Murphy from the Western Bulldogs! Sir Bob Murphy has quite a ring to it!

If you had one super power for a day, what would it be: The ability to hit a serve that could actually go above 120km/h.