
19 December 2012 | Tennis Victoria

Tennis Victoria is excited to announce that clubs are now able to submit their team entries for the 2013 season commencing on 20 April.

The 2013 season will introduce a number of exciting changes, including a reward system for new clubs, the introduction of a Men’s Masters 50+ Doubles Competition and a Men’s Open Doubles Competition to replace the Men’s Seniors 35+ Doubles competition as well as a shortened season for the lowest grades.

For existing clubs in 2013, any extra team they register above their 2012 total team numbers will be free of charge, e.g. if your club had five teams in 2012 and in 2013 you have eight, you will only pay for five.

In addition to this, any new club that didn’t participate in the Pennant competition in 2012 will receive a 50% discount off the standard team entry fee for every team entered in 2013.

“This incentive program will help clubs promote participation to club members and increase team numbers to create a competition pathway,” said Tennis Victoria’s Competition Manager Jeff Downes.

“All of these new introductions have been developed to further enhance the Pennant’s reputation as Australia’s premier team tennis competition.”

The 2013 season will also see the introduction of a shortened season in the men’s and women’s lowest grades. The shortened season will feature a six team, 10 round competition with no rounds scheduled in the term two school holidays. The shorter competition is designed for time poor adults and is hoped to attract new players to join, while also enabling Pennant to grow over the lower grades.

Team entries for the 2013 Pennant season close on Monday 4 March 2013. For further information please visit our Pennant page.