
2 December 2014 | Tennis ACT

Tennis Nett

The Tennis ACT Annual General Meeting was at held East Hotel on November 12.

John Cattle was re-elected as President after a special resolution was passed to extend his term for a further 12 months beyond the constitutional limit.

John Heinemann retired as a Director after over 30 years of service. He was recognised by the board and members for his exceptional contribution to tennis over the years. John has been a valuable member of the Tennis ACT Board (and previous Council) for the last 14 years. In addition to his service on the Board, John had a significant role on the Board of the National Sports Club for over 20 years. During that time he has assisted both organisations navigate through a number of significant challenges. He has proven to be a tremendous asset when dealing with these complex issues, and always in his usual composed manner. John’s knowledge of ACT Government legislation and processes is immense and this knowledge has been an invaluable resource to the organisation, especially with regards to the current redevelopment process.

Scott Smith, Business Consultant, Advisor, and Company Owner was elected to the Board as a General Director while Ben Fuller was re-elected to the Board as a General Director.

With Tennis ACT no longer holding a gaming machine licence, a special resolution was passed by the members to reverse amendments to the constitution that had been made to the constitution that had been made in order to be complaint with the Gaming Machine Act 2004.

For full details of the special resolutions passed please click on the document below
Tennis ACT AGM – Special Resolutions

Following the AGM the CEO Ross Triffitt, provided the members with an update on the current Tennis ACT activities including staffing structure, Government rates and taxes on community tennis clubs, the Strategic Tennis Facility and Management Review, online court booking, the redevelopment at Lyneham, key dates and activities in the 14-15 year, the Participation story, and TennisConnect