Tennis ACT wishes to acknowledge the Australia Day Award of the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) to Anne Haycock for more than forty years of continuous service to Canberra tennis.
Through her local club – Belconnen – Anne has contributed at a grassroots level, always there at club events, working bees, meetings, and supporting club activities. She has regularly served on club committees, including as President, and was awarded life membership in 1993. She remains an active player and member to the present day.
Anne has also been an active volunteer in the activities of Tennis ACT with grading, tournaments, social events and administration. She has served on the Board and Council of Tennis ACT (one of the very few female members in her early years of service) and chaired the onerous and sometimes thankless task as Chair of Grading. She has been a stalwart of the Ladies Branch, serving as President from 1977 – 1983. As with her club activities, Anne has contributed her volunteer services to Tennis ACT willingly and regularly. She is the first to volunteer for any task, for example the major tennis events held in the Territory. In 2009 Anne was awarded Life Membership of Tennis ACT.
As a member of Tennis Seniors ACT Anne has made a major contribution to the promotion of tennis as a sport for life. She is a living example of the benefits of active sport to one’s well-being, physically and mentally. She was the first female President of Tennis Seniors ACT and was made a Life Member in 2015. Nationally, Anne has served as Tournament Director twice for Australian Seniors Tennis Championships and in 1997 she was Tournament Director for the Seniors Tennis World Cup held in Canberra. In 1991 she was awarded the Tennis Australia Award as Australian Seniors Administrator of the Year.
The OAM Award this year, along with her Australian Sports Medal in 2000, is a fitting reward for dedicated service to the sport of tennis. Congratulations Anne on behalf of the whole tennis community.