
9 April 2020 | Tennis Tasmania

Dear Tennis Community of Tasmania,


I am writing to wish you a Happy and safe Easter to you and those close to you. The entire Board and Team from Tennis Tasmania are hoping you are all keeping safe and well in these tough and testing times.


These are unprecedented challenges we face as a community.


Thank you for your support and understanding of our communications and recommendations shared thus far in line with the position of our State Government. Tennis Tasmania continues to stay in regular contact with the State Government to ensure we are best placed to start our return to tennis when the time is right.  We are also keeping up with the daily updates from Premier, Peter Gutwein.


The Board and the Team know that tennis is a lifelong passion and love for many of us, as well as integral part of our way of life.  We are empathetic to the impact this is having on the health and wellbeing across our wider community.  However, we need to stay strong, stay together and put the health of our community and State ahead of our sport for the time being.


We will continue to work hard to support the Tennis community through this period and beyond, while constantly monitoring, reviewing and staying connected to the recommendations made by the State Government, Councils, and Tennis Australia’s Chief Medical Officer.


So far, we have provided a strong focus and support for our coaches initially as their livelihood, like many of our family and friends, are being heavily impacted.  We now are quickly turning our attention to supporting our clubs with the culmination of support being harnessed nationally to share with you all soon.


On a final note, I would like to highlight that one of the great benefits of tennis is fostering social interaction.  While we are required to keep physically distanced, the time now is more important than ever to keep in touch socially.  Please reach out to those in your network – family, friends, fellow tennis payers and see how they are doing.  A phone call or an online catch up might just make someone’s day and help us get through this period in time.


Please don’t hesitate to contact your local team member at any time.


Happy Easter!


Kind regards,


Martin Turmine                                           Darren Sturgess

Tennis Tasmania President                  Tennis Tasmania General Manager