
27 November 2014 | Tennis Tasmania

Working with Children Checks have been introduced in Tasmania and are set to commence from 1 April 2015 for coaches, employees, and volunteers within sports organisations. The Registration to Work with Vulnerable People Act 2013 brings Tasmania into line with other jurisdictions across the country that have introduced Working with Children Checks.

According to the Department of Justice, Working with Children Checks are described as:

“an evaluation of an individual’s ability for child-related work”,

with the application involving a risk assessment of whether a person poses a risk to the safety of children.

Therefore, there is a requirement to apply for a WCC in the sports industry from 1 April 2015 for anyone engaged in child-related work where the usual duties involve, or are likely to involve contact, with a child under the age of 18 years. Under the legislation, sports organisations will full under the categories of “clubs and associations” and “coaching services”. There are some exemptions, but it is imperative that all parties who believe that they may require a WCC in their roles within club contexts, check the details of registration to ensure that their organisation does not potentially attract penalties for any volunteers who do not possess a WCC but are legally required to hold one.

Applications can be made online through the Department of Justice website, and at a cost of just $17.76 for volunteers for a three year validity period, it is a very affordable and necessary investment.

To find out more about the basic requirements and application process, please go to the Working with Children page on the Department of Justice website