Tennis Queensland Metropolitan Region

UQ Sport Hot Shots Challenge

23 March 2015 |

On Sunday the 22nd of March, UQ Sport held a Hot Shots Challenge Day  which encompassed Red, Orange, Green and Yellow Hot Shots levels. The Challenge also coincided with the Grand Opening of their new 3-metre Hot Shots courts.

It was a fantastic day with over 60 kids in attendance, all of which had the opportunity to play lots of matches. The event had to be capped at 60 competitor’s due to a lack of court availability.

Head Coach Glenn Moodie said that the day was a great success and UQ will now be looking to hold several more Hot Shots challenges throughout the remainder of the year.

“The numbers were encouraging and now we will try to hold another 3-4 Hot Shots Challenges throughout 2015 and we will try to link each Challenge to a Grand Slam or Masters series event,” Moodie said.