
24 April 2013 | Tennis Tasmania

Congratulations to the Board of Management of the Domain Tennis Centre (DTC), who successfully pitched a submission to the Keep Australia Beautiful Council recently.

The result saw the centre receive  an  $820 grant which has enabled the DTC to arrange for three 240 litre recycling bins and a storage bin with 1100 litre capacity. With such capacity on site, it is now much easier for all parties to participate in efforts to both recycle and manage waste far more efficiently.

Every little bit helps and the DTC Board of Management is very pleased it is able to more effectively demonstrate its commitment to keeping Hobart as clean and green as possible. It is also hoped that the same desire to create more sustainable and environmentally friendly behaviours, will ripple throughout the tennis players and spectators who frequent the Centre. Clear signage on the bins will hopefully remind all that the bins are for certain types of waste only!

It is a handy reminder to all clubs too, that there are many different organisations in the community who are keen to support you with grants and equipment, that assist your club whilst promoting their respective causes also. Keep an eye on what’s about, and should you wish to receive any further advice on the types of grants available, be sure to not only contact the Tennis Tasmania team, but liaise with your local councils and community groups too. Everyone can win in this context!!

Well done DTC … a win for your centre has also been a win for the environment!