If the estimated maximum temperature as broadcast in the forecast segment on any radio station between 7.00am and 7.30am is 36 degrees Celsius, ALL SETS SHALL BE OF 6 GAMES WITH A TIE-BREAK AT 5 GAMES ALL.
If the estimated maximum temperature is above 36 degrees Celsius – ALL MATCHES ARE CANCELLED.
The Permit Committee may at its discretion, cancel all matches following a heat wave.
Wet weather rule: If more than 50% of Club courts are closed by Greenkeepers on a match day, then ALL matches for that day shall be deleted from the program. NO POINTS ALLOCATED. CLUB contacts MUST CONTACT RECORDER TO ADVISE IF COURTS CLOSED prior to 8.30 am on match day. If more than 50% of Club courts remain open for play:
(1) ALL players must attend courts at such venues and wait until 11a.m. before decision made.
(2) Scores for any play shall be reckoned (i.e. set and games): if cessation of play occurs, points for any sets not commenced or remaining uncompleted sets shall be shared equally.
(3) Unless a winning match result has been reached prior to cessation of play, the two points for a win shall be shared equally.
(4) Clubs unable to play due to court closures (less than 50%): Points for sets and the two winning match points shall be shared equally. No sets or games reckoned.