Upload a PDF, Word document or Excel spreadsheet

Last updated: 2 September, 2010

Here you will find information on how to upload a new PDF, Excel spreadsheet or Word document. You will also find a step-by-step guide on how to replace an existing document.

Please note, the following steps are the same whether you are uploading a PDF, Word document or Excel spreadsheet. With this in mind, the word “document” will be used throughout to represent all three different file types.

Upload a new document

To upload a document, first open the Page or Post that you wish to embed the document in.

Click “Add Media” (pictured right). The “Add Media” box  will open.

Here, select ‘Browse’ and locate the document that you wish to upload. Select it and then click on “Open” and then “Upload”.

Now that your document has been uploaded, name it (the “Title” field) (pictured left).

Next, add a short description of the document in the “Description” field.

Now, copy the “Link URL” and then select “Save all changes”.

In the Visual Editor, highlight the text that you would like to link to your uploaded document.

Now, click on the “Insert/Edit Link” icon in the tool bar.

Paste the Link URL you just copied into the “Link URL” field then select “Open link in a new window” from the “Target” drop down menu. Then select “Insert”.

Your document is now linked to the text you selected. Your selected text should now be a different colour (blue) and be underlined.

Select “Update” to save your changes or “Publish” if it’s a new Page or Post.

Break a link

To break a link, highlight the linked text and select the “Unlink” icon (pictured right) in the toolbar above the Visual Editor.

* Note: click on images to expand them.

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