Melbourne VIC, Australia, 11 December 2015 | Tennis Australia

Long-serving Tennis Australia board director Scott Tanner has resigned to allow him to concentrate on his other business interests.

Mr Tanner joined the Tennis Australia Board in 2007 and has been instrumental in helping the company achieve record growth and position the Australian Open as one of the world’s premier sporting events.

A former director of Bain and Company Inc., Mr Tanner has been the CEO of the Bank of Melbourne since 2011. He is also a director of the Melbourne Business School, a fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Melbourne & Olympic Parks Trustee.

“I have sincerely enjoyed my time on the Board and have been truly impressed with how the team has executed the strategy to turnaround the business that was conceived some eight years ago,” Mr Tanner said.

“It has been my privilege to be part of that journey. I wish Steve Healy, the board, Craig Tiley, the team and all of Tennis Australia every success in the future,” he said.

Tennis Australia President Steve Healy praised Mr Tanner for his valuable contribution.

“Scott’s excellent business mind and obvious corporate experience has been a tremendous resource for Tennis Australia,” Mr Healy explained, adding: “He has played a considerable role in the evolvement of this business into the success it is today. I would like to express my gratitude to him for his contribution and he goes with all of our best wishes.”