Outside Amenities

Satisyfing the needs of customers and visitors

It is the outside amenities of a tennis club and total environ that help to bind the court, clubhouse, players, members and visitors into an enjoyable experience.

It is a person’s first impression that can have a lasting impact on how people relate to the tennis club. Initially it is the visual aesthetics, secondly people like to enjoy their experience. It is the overall amenities that can satisfy both of these needs.

Outside amenities encompass a myriad of things and can broadly be categorised as follows, plus a few amenity ideas:


Those things that go together to create a great impression:

  • Entrance & approach
  • Car parking
  • Landscaping
  • Overall layout.


All that goes together to make people feel comfortable:

  • Viewing facilities
  • Social gathering areas
  • Playground


The reason why the club exists:

  • Convenient access to courts
  • Drinking fountains
  • General lighting


There are many other amenities that can be provided.

A well planned out environ with outside amenities goes a long way to creating a positive, interesting, enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing tennis club for everybody.

To find out more, download the Tennis Infrastructure Planning Guide or contact your respective Member Association Facilities representative.