East Gippsland Tennis Network


Junior Masters Summer Circuit

The Circuit comprises 4 qualifying Lead-in tournaments in 10/U, 12/U, 14/U, 16/U and 18/U age groups to earn sufficent points for an invitation to the Masters Finals.

The 10/U is an orange ball event from 2014/15.  18/U events were introduced from 2014/15 with mixed success and the Events Committee is looking at further developing this opportunity for the older juniors.

Entry Forms: Contact President or Secretary – see Contacts

Junior Masters Standings: 2011/12 | 2012/13 | 2013/14 | 2014/15

Junior Masters Honour Board


In 2004, Tennis East Gippsland Network commenced a Summer Circuit of 4 Lead-in tournaments in the ages of 10/U, 12/U, 14/U and 16/U as at 31 March.

These are held at Maffra, Bairnsdale, Sale and Lakes Entrance.

The leading 8 players in each age group, and in their absence the next highest point scorer, are invited to the Masters Finals at Bairnsdale in either late March or early April.

Junior Regional Cups and Challenge

Each year, Tennis Victoria conducts Junior Regional events for players of various age groups.  View these event here.

East Gippsland enquiries to our Regional Teams Events Delegate, Aidan Fitzgerald 0422 150 911