East Gippsland Tennis Network

Contact Us

Update association, club and individual contact details in this form, save the document and email /print & return it to one of the Ambassadors below.

Contact information:

Email: [email protected]

Craig Radford 0434 679 481

Teams & Events Coordinators (Joint)
Linda McIntyre 0402 315 413
Margaret Supplitt 0408 105 066

Aidan Fitzgerald 0422 150 911

Tennis Victoria Country Regional Teams Events Delegate
Aidan Fitzgerald 0422 150 911

Tennis Victoria Participation Leader Country South East
Tanya Mason
[email protected]| Locked Bag 6001 Richmond Victoria 3121
P: 8420 8418
For club support for facilities, club development services (My Tennis, association/club website), Tennis  Victoria Programs